「 元智大學創新教學獎獎勵辦法 」條文業經112年09月20日112學年度第4次行政會議審議通過,詳如附件,謹此公告實施。
“YZU Regulations of Innovative Teaching Award” has been approved. Revised regulations please refer to the attachments.
教務處 教學卓越中心
Teaching Excellence Center, Office of Academic Affairs
「 元智大學創新教學獎獎勵辦法 」條文業經112年09月20日112學年度第4次行政會議審議通過,詳如附件,謹此公告實施。
“YZU Regulations of Innovative Teaching Award” has been approved. Revised regulations please refer to the attachments.
教務處 教學卓越中心
Teaching Excellence Center, Office of Academic Affairs