暑修問題Questions about Summer Course Can I take the summer course if I have taken a few classes but withdrawal? Or I have to be flunked than I can apply for summer course? If I have the qualifications of graduating this year, I will be admitted to school in September this year after the examination. Can I participate in this summer courses? Will the courses that I want to take must be held? When will summer courses be confirmed? What is the minimum number of students for summer courses? After the announcement, if there are no courses I want to take, how can I add another summer course? What is the difference between the first payment and the second payment for elective courses? If the payment starts, is the course scheduled? What can I do if the courses overlap with another course? How much is a credit for summer course? Can I refund the fee after payment? How to handle payment and course selection? Are there any courses that cannot be selected? What are the provisions for withdrawal? How many credits can a student take at most? Are all summer courses scores 60? Where will the summer course results be published? How can I get my diploma quickly? Does the school stipulate when teachers must send the scores to the Academic Affairs Office? Will the summer course results be ranked independently or incorporated into the semester results, which will affect the eligibility for early graduation? Can students from other schools come to Yuan Ze for summer course? How can I go to other schools for summer course? 問題:請問如果必修科目修了幾堂後退選,可以參加暑修嗎?還是一定要被當過的科目才可以報名暑修呢? Q: Can I take the summer course if I have taken a few classes but withdrawal? Or I have to be flunked than I can apply for summer course? 答: 本校在學學生依各系所規定即可參加暑修,惟休學生、保留學籍生除外。 A: The students of YZU can participate in the summer course according to the rules of each department. Except for students who are in the situation of withdrawing or retaining student status. 問題:請問如果今年以應屆畢業的資格,經甄試今年9月將可入貴校就讀,如此可否參加本次暑修課程? Q: If I have the qualifications of graduating this year, I will be admitted to school in September this year after the examination. Can I participate in this summer courses? 答: 暑修課程是以本校在學學生才可修習,尚未入學者不具資格。 A: The summer course is just for YZU students, not applicable to pre-admission students. 問題:我希望上課的課程會開嗎? Q: Will the courses that I want to take must be held? 答: 期中考後會針對學生需求做暑修課程預估,凡達到開班最低人數要求,並經由開課單位安排授課教師及上課時間等開課事宜,就可以開課。 A: The school will hold a meeting to discuss the summer course content. If the class of student number suits the minimum, and the teacher will be arranged by the department. After all these processes are completed, the course will be held as scheduled. 問題:暑修課程那時候確定? Q: When will summer courses be confirmed? 解答: 暑修課程大約在六月初左右公布。 A: The summer course will be announced at about the beginning of June. 問題:暑修開課人數下限為何? Q: What is the minimum number of students for summer courses? 解答: 凡達15人以上即可開課,不過還須有老師願意上課才行。 A: One course can be held if there are 15 students who participate, but still need the permission of the teacher. 問題:公告後,如果沒有我想要的課,如何增開暑修課程? Q: After the announcement, if there are no courses I want to take, how can I add another summer course? 解答: 1、應有一人負責連絡事宜,同時連署確定滿15人之後(資料需含學生系別、年級、班別、學號、姓名),將連署資料(暑期開班申請表)交至教務處課務組,同時要有系所同意協助開課,並完成課程規劃及授課教師之確認、上課時間等開課事宜。 2、若系所同意開課,連署時間不得超過公告之電腦加選期限,且聯絡學生需負責學分費繳交事宜。 3、如選課人數未達15人,因特殊情形而必須開班時,其經費不足部分,應由修課學生負擔。 A: 1. There should be one person in charge of liaison matters, and after 15 people have been signed and confirmed (the information must include the student’s department, grade, class, student number and name), submit joint signature information (application form for starting summer classes) to the Academic Affairs Office Curriculum Section. At the same time, the department shall agree to assist in the commencement of the course, and complete the course planning, confirmation of the instructor, class time and other commencement matters. 2. If the department agrees to start the course, the time of countersigning shall not exceed the period of computer additional election announced, and the contact student shall be responsible for paying the credit fees. 3. If the course is not enough for 15 students, the students shall make up the balance of the credits fee. The content of the sentence mentioned above does not apply to a special situation. 問題:請問第一期繳費跟第二期繳費選課,不同之處在哪裡? Q: What is the difference between the first payment and the second payment for elective courses? 答: 1、原則上第一期是開上學期的課,第二期開下學期的課,且第二期時不開放第一期課程選課。 A: 問題:如果開始繳費,那麼課程時間排定了嗎?如果沒排定上課衝堂又是怎麼處理呢? Q: If the payment starts, is the course scheduled? What can I do if the courses overlap with another course? 答: 公告後的課程,基本上是不會再更改了,所以不用擔心衝堂問題。如果有衝堂的情形,會讓同學辦理退費的。 A: Once the course is announced, it is not necessary to worry about time conflicts. If does, students could apply for a refund. 問題:暑修學分費,一學分是多少錢呢? Q: How much is a credit for summer course? 答:請參考網頁學分費標準 A: Please feel free to refer to the website of the standard of credits fee. 問題:繳費後,可不可以退費? Q: Can I refund the fee after payment? 答:請同學慎重考慮修課與否,一經公告開課,則不得退費。 A: Students shall consider whether to take the course or not carefully. Once the course is announced, students can not apply for a refund. 問題:如何辦理繳費及選課等事宜? Q: How to handle payment and course selection? 答: 暑修流程: 1、決定暑期修課科目:依教務處公告之「暑期開課課程表」,並自行計算修課學分數。 A. 暑修班:依繳費當年度公告之暑修學分費標準繳納。 A: Choose the subject that is listed on “The List of Summer Courses” announced by Academic Affairs, and calculate your own credits. 問題:有不能選的課程嗎? Q: Are there any courses that cannot be selected? 答: 1、基本上所有公告科目都可以選,但是系上擋修科目不能選或系上不准到外系選修的課程不能選(不是系上的老師所開的課程),請先詢問系所秘書是否可承認該門課程,才進行暑修選課。 A: 問題:退選的規定為何? Q: What are the provisions for withdrawal? 答: 1、各科開課後,已註冊繳費者,得在上課時數九小時內辦理退選但不得申請退費,逾期不得退選。公告開課前退選可申請退費,公告開課後一律不得申請退費。 A: 問題:一個學生最多可以修幾個學分? Q: How many credits can a student take at most? 答: 暑期開課辦法中規定為18學分。 A: 18 credits are stipulated in the summer program. 問題:暑修成績是否一律為60分? Q: Are all summer courses scores 60? 答: 無此規定,所得成績照實得成績給予。 A: There is no such provision, the grades obtained will be given according to the actual grades. 問題:暑修成績會公布在那裡? Q: Where will the summer course results be published? 答: 在本站上「成績查詢」的功能,能夠到查到您的成績,請依指示操作。 A: You can find your grades through the “Score Inquiry” function on the site, please follow the instruction. 問題:我要如何快一點拿到畢業證書? Q: How can I get my diploma quickly? 答: 可以請暑修老師儘快把成績送出,教務處接到成績核對無誤後,立即發放畢業證書。 A: You can ask the summer term teacher to send the grades as soon as possible, and the Academic Affairs Office will issue the graduation certificate immediately after receiving the grades. 問題:請問學校是否有規定老師必須於何時將成績送至教務處? Q: Does the school stipulate when teachers must send the scores to the Academic Affairs Office? 答: 規定是一星期內,不過由於許多要畢業的學生,急著想要拿到畢業證書,所以教務處都會要求老師儘快送出成績。 A: The rule is within one week, but because many students who are about to graduate are eager to get their graduation certificates, the Academic Affairs Office will ask teachers to sends their grades as soon as possible. 問題:請問暑修成績是否會獨立或併入學期成績做名次之排行,而影響到提前畢業之資格? Q: Will the summer course results be ranked independently or incorporated into the semester results, which will affect the eligibility for early graduation? 答:暑期選課成績計算規定如下: 3、成績不及格者,不得補考。 A: The rules for calculation of grades for summer course are as follow: 問題:外校學生可不可以來元智暑修? Q: Can students from other schools come to Yuan Ze for summer course? 答: 可以的,只要攜帶貴校書面同意函,在本校規定期限內,前來繳費登記即可。 A: Yes, just bring your written consent letter of your school and come to pay for registration within the specified time limit. 問題:我如何去外校暑修? Q: How can I go to other schools for summer course? 答:請參考網頁校際暑修程序 A: Please feel free to refer to the website of Portal- Inter-school Elective application.
B. 預約繳費學分及ATM轉帳:於公告期限內上網(元智首頁/行政單位/教務處/學生專區/暑修/暑修系統)點選「設定預約繳費學分」,預約完成後依畫面顯示之暑修繳費單上所列之繳費帳號,經由ATM轉帳,轉帳後約1~2小時才可選課,所以建議提早轉帳才可於選課開始就可選擇所需時段之課程。