111-2學期第一階段選課作業,即將於下週一 (111/11/28) 開始~~
2. 選課相關資訊亦可經由以下網頁路徑查詢:
(1)元智首頁 / 訊息公告
(2)教務處網頁 / 最新消息
(3)教務處網頁 / 學生專區 /課程選修
3. 線上選課系統使用說明https://www.yzu.edu.tw/admin/aa/index.php/tw/2016-01-14-06-58-46/2016-03-08-03-41-34/2016-03-08-06-29-07
教務處/課務組 敬啟
*NOTICE* ~~ On-line Course Selection (PhaseⅠ) for 2023 Spring Semester will begin on NOV 28th, 2022 at 12:00pm.
1. 2023 Spring Semester (111-2) COURSE SELECTION SCHEDULE and COURSE SELECTION NOTICE are sending as attachments to this e-mail, please feel free to print as needed.
2. You can also get the course selection information through the following methods:
(1) YZU homepage/Messages
(2) Office of Academic Affairs website/News
(3) Office of Academic Affairs website/Student Area/Course Selection
(Course Selection Schedule) https://www.yzu.edu.tw/admin/aa/index.php/tw/2016-01-14-06-58-46/2016-03-08-03-41-34/2016-03-08-03-50-32
(Course Selection Notice) https://www.yzu.edu.tw/admin/aa/index.php/tw/2016-01-14-06-58-46/2016-03-08-03-41-34/2016-03-08-06-37-07
(4) YZU Dormitory Bulletin Boards
(5) Department’s Bulletin Boards
3. Course Selection System Manual https://www.yzu.edu.tw/admin/aa/index.php/tw/2016-01-14-06-58-46/2016-03-08-03-41-34/2016-03-08-06-29-07
Curriculum Section / Office of Academic Affairs