110學年第2學期博碩士論文系統開放日期為111/3/1 ~ 111/7/31關閉,逾期上傳視同下學期畢業。系所審核約需3個工作日,請再預估退審往返修正時間提早上傳。
The Thesis/Dissertation System in the 2nd semester of 110 academic year is opened from 111/3/1 to 111/7/31. If you upload your thesis/dissertation after deadline, you will graduate in the NEXT semester. It takes about 3 working days for verification from your department. Please estimate the round-trip correction time to upload it in advance.
If your department has the regulation of time for uploading in advance, please follow it and upload your thesis/dissertation on time. Good luck to everyone!
元智大學博碩士論文系統首頁(https://cloud.ncl.edu.tw/yzu/) -> 最新消息 News