Introduction to Five-categorical Grades

Originating from the "Yuan Ze University Five-categorical Activities Passport" introduced since the academic year 1997, it serves as an additional transcript beyond academic achievements.


Similar to the functionality of the United States' "National Park Passport" that records travel experiences through stamps, the Five-categorical Activity Passport covers various activities undertaken by students during their time at the university, including academic, extracurricular, service, talent, and sports activities. In terms of academics, it records students' outstanding performance in participating in internal competitions such as thesis awards, design competitions, and scholarships. In terms of extracurricular activities, it primarily focuses on students' growth through participation in both on-campus and off-campus activities. Regarding service, it showcases students' voluntary service work. In terms of talent, it records students' award-winning achievements in their areas of interest. And in the sports aspect, it documents students' participation and achievements in various internal and external sports competitions.


In recent years, many professionals in the business world and academic experts have emphasized the importance of holistic education in university life. Apart from academic learning, university experiences should include participation in clubs, dormitory life, part-time work, teacher-student relationships, peer relationships, family relationships, and interpersonal relationships between genders. We aspire to understand students' needs, respect their rights, provide various services, activities, environments, and learning opportunities, and promote students' learning and the development of healthy personal relationships. Only then we can create a society that values holistic education.


The purpose of the Yuan Ze University Five-categorical Activity Passport is to encourage students to make the most of their four years of university life, to enrich their personal development in moral, intellectual, physical, group, and aesthetic aspects, and to diligently cultivate various learning experiences in university. Let the vibrant colors of youth fill the pages of this passport.


In the academic year 2002, we further integrated the student's Five-categorical Activity Passport with the "Student Affairs Information System" planned by the Office of Student Affairs. It can now be accessed online through the "Five Development Activities Database." It also serves as the basis for electronic recommendation letters. After participating in activities, students can directly apply online, and upon review by the responsible unit and supervisor, the records can be directly stored in the student's personal database. When students need it for further education or employment, they can apply for the "Yuan Ze University Five-categorical Activity Grades" at the Joint Service Counter. Therefore, this system has an impact on all students and relevant administrative units throughout the university. It is an important student information system for our university and a pioneering initiative among national colleges and universities. When students graduate, they will have two transcripts - one for academic achievements and one for their Five-categorical Grades - which hold significant meaning.