【宿服組公告】2/4停水公告 Water Cut Announcement
2023-01-13 |
【宿服組公告】1/17-1/29寒假期間宿舍熱水使用位置Where to use the hot water in dormitory during winter vacation
2023-01-12 |
【宿服組公告】2/3蚊蟲消毒公告Mosquito disinfection announcement
2023-01-12 |
【宿服組公告】1/30-2/10女一舍熱水暫停使用Suspension of the hot water in female 1st dorm
2023-01-12 |
【宿服組公告】1/17-2/10男一舍鍋爐熱水暫停使用Suspension of the hot water in male 1st dorm
2023-01-12 |
2023-01-11 |
2023-01-11 |
2023-01-09 |
【宿服組公告】寒假校園公車停駛公告 Notice on Bus Service Change
2023-01-05 |
【宿服組公告】1/7校園公車停駛公告 Notice on Bus Service Change
2023-01-05 |