為促進寢室室友間情誼、和諧融洽寢室氛圍, 故宿服組擬訂學生宿舍室規表,住宿生即日起可至男女一宿櫃台索取, 由室友共同討論填寫,以增進寢室氛圍及彼此情感。 學務處宿服組 關心您!
In order to promote the friendship between roommates and a harmonious dormitory atmosphere, the SHSS has drawn up a room rules form, which can be obtained from the counter at Male & Female 1st Dorm. It should be discussed and filled out by roommates to enhance the atmosphere of the bedroom and mutual affection. SHSS cares about you ! |
☛ School Dormitory Room Rules Form