【生輔組公告】全國農業金庫113年度獎學金Agricultural Bank of Taiwan 2024 Scholarship
【生輔組公告】金門縣高級中等以上學校學生就學津貼發給辦法Kinmen County High School and Above Student Education Subsidy Issuance Guidelines
【課外組公告】轉知台北海洋學校財團法人台北海洋科技大學「2024海洋之星創意短片競賽徵選」歡迎同學報名參加 Forwarding the Taipei University of Marine Technology announcement: "2024 Ocean Star Creative Short Film Competition" welcomes students to register and participate.
【課外組公告】轉知桃園市政府警察局中壢分局「113年暑假期間少年體育競賽活動辦公室椅滑行賽」歡迎同學報名參加 Forwarding the Zhongli Branch of the Taoyuan City Government Police Department's announcement: "2024 Summer Youth Office Chair Racing" welcomes students to register and participate.
【課外組公告】轉知桃園市政府秘書處「K-POP舞蹈歌唱大賽」歡迎同學報名參加 Forwarding the Taoyuan City Government Secretariat's announcement: "K-POP Dance and Singing Competition" welcomes students to register and participate.
【生輔組公告】財團法人文向教育基金會「文向獎學金」Wen Xiang Scholarship by the Wen Xiang Education Foundation
113學年度第1學期財團法人平安獎學金"The Peace Scholarship for the First Semester of the 113th Academic Year."
【生輔組公告】桃園市112學年度第2學期失業勞工子女助學補助Taoyuan City 2023-2024 Academic Year Second Semester Educational Assistance for Children of Unemployed Workers
【生輔組公告】財團法人中華民國心臟病兒童基金會「心臟病童獎勵學金」The Children's Heart Foundation of the Republic of China "Scholarship for Children with Heart Disease"