Graduation Ceremony Important Announcement: Starting from today, 5/25 (Thursday), there will be venue setup, moving, dismantling, and rehearsal operations taking place at the school gate, in front of Building 1, and Building 5. Please cooperate by taking alternative routes and paying attention to your own safety. Thank you for your cooperation.
2023年《今畢輝煌》畢業典禮將於5/27(六)18:30 舉行,提醒您相關場佈、搬運及撤場等作業時程,並誠摯邀請您蒞臨參加。
★ 5/25(四)上午8:00起,校門口、一館前與五館前將進行場佈及搬運等作業。
★ 5/26(五)上午7:00~5/27(六)中午12:00止,五館前及圓環將有大型貨車進出,畢典場佈進貨、搬運及設備測試、撤場等作業,請教職員生配合繞道並留意安全。
★ 5/26(五)下午2:00起,五館前預計彩排畢業典禮流程,屆時會有管制及可能造成聲音干擾,敬請大家海涵!
★ 5/28(日)中午12:00前,將有大型貨車進行撤場作業,請教職員生配合繞道並留意安全。
元智大學 學生事務處 敬上
Notice for 2023 YZU Graduation Ceremony Venue Layout Preparations and Clean-up
Students, Faculty and Staff
2023 YZU Graduation Ceremony Venue Layout Preparations and Clean-up
- Main Gate of YZU on Yuan-Dong Road.
- In front of Building 1 and 5, including the square and the roundabout.
- Graduation Ceremony Rehearsal Process.
- May 25(Thursday), 8:30am
- May 26-27(Thursday – Saturday), 7:00am-12:00pm
- May 26(Friday), 2:30pm graduation ceremony rehearsal
- May 28(Sunday), 12:00pm remove the equipment used at the event venue
The work will significantly affect pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
The Contractor will construct barricades and signs to protect and redirect pedestrians and traffic.
Sound interference may be caused at that time.
For information about the 2023 Graduation Ceremony, please refer to the official website.
We would like to remind everyone of the following important information regarding the graduation ceremony:
1.The graduation seating area is ONLY for graduating students from 5:50pm until the end of the firework display. This area is strictly off-limits to family and friends.
2.All graduating students MUST wear graduation gown and cap in order to participate in the ceremony. You will not be permitted to enter the graduation seating area without these items.
3.Event staff are requested to wear the identification vest or card provided to them.
Thank you for your cooperation and support in making this a memorable and successful graduation ceremony for everyone involved.
Kind regards,