Get Some Power and Overcome Covid-19 Together
In the uncertain times, the power of kindness can do more than ever. We are all in this together, and there are ways we can make the situation feel less of a lonely one - for others and for ourselves(from Covid-19: how to be kind in a crisis).
There’s some tips you can do.
- Support and help others
Helping someone else can benefit you as well as them. Having an understanding of other people's concerns, worries or behavior is a great way to show your support.
- Stay on top of difficult feelings
Concern about the Covid-19 outbreak is normal. However, some people may experience intense anxiety that can affect their daily life.
Try to focus on the things you can control, such as your behavior, who you speak to, and where and how often you get information.
- Talk about your worries
The Covid-19 outbreak is unlike anything we have experienced before, and it's normal if you have felt worried, scared or helpless.
Remember: it's OK to share your concerns with others you trust – and doing so may help them too.(from 9 tips to help if you are worried about COVID-19)
【Understanding and Empathy during Covid-19】
【Recognize Your Emotion and Some Ways You Can Try】
If you feel distressed, worried or anxious because of epidemic over than two weeks, you are welcome to talk to the counseling psychologist via phone or email or go to the doctor.
Tel: 03-4638800 ext. 2842,2928
School Safety Hotline: 03-4553698
Off-campus resources:Foreigners In Taiwan Hotline: 1990
YZU Counseling & Career Development Section