主旨:【永續活動】歡迎參加4/22(一)世界地球日「多一塑不如少一塑」系列活動,永續中心敬邀! (Welcome to the "Planet vs. Plastics" series of events for Earth Day on Apr 22.)
每年4月22日為世界地球日,今年的主題是「多一塑不如少一塑(Planet vs. Plastics)」,呼籲全地球人團結一心,終結塑膠污染對地球與所有生物的危害。
這次活動積極倡導 2040 年全球塑膠產量減少 60%,為下一代打造一個零塑膠的未來。
Plastic has infiltrated every aspect of our lives, from furniture materials, disposable tableware, beverage containers, food packaging, to the synthetic fibers we wear, and even returns to our bodies through the water cycle and food chain.Every year, April 22nd is celebrated as Earth Day, with this year's theme being "Planet vs. Plastics". It calls for global unity to end the harm caused by plastic pollution to the Earth and all its inhabitants.This event actively advocates for a 60% reduction in global plastic production by 2040, aiming to create a plastic-free future for the next generation.
In response to this initiative, the Sustainability Center is organizing a series of events to reduce plastic usage, inviting all faculty, staff, and students to join in raising awareness about plastic pollution.
2024世界地球日「多一塑不如少一塑」系列活動:減塑愛地球講座Plastic Reduction Love Earth Seminar
地點Venue:元智六館1樓 60105階梯教室
l 使用循環餐具:為響應環保,本活動備有環保局循環餐盒之便當,請參與人員自行攜帶環保餐具。
In response to environmental protection, this event provides lunch boxes in reusable containers from the Environmental Protection Bureau. Participants are encouraged to bring your own eco-friendly tableware.
l 配合商家所能提供之循環餐盒數,本活動限額80人。
Limit of 80 participants
l 本活動認列教職員教育訓練時數1小時、學生服務學習時數1小時。
2024世界地球日「多一塑不如少一塑」系列活動:海廢DIY體驗活動Ocean Waste DIY Experience Event
時間Time:(第 1 梯)13:10-14:00 、(第 2 梯)14:10-15:00
地點Venue:元智六館2樓 60205階梯教室
作品Works:本次將使用由海廢寶特瓶的瓶蓋所產出的材料來製作繽紛手機架鑰匙圈Colorful Phone Stand Keychain。
l 秉持著誠信原則,本次體驗課不收活動保證金,如若報名請務必出席,如若有事無法出席,亦請主動取消報名,避免損害他人權益。
l 配合教學體驗,本活動每梯次限額30人。
Limit of 30 participants
l 第1梯:https://portalx.yzu.edu.tw/PortalSocialVB/FPage/PageActivityDetail.aspx?Menu=Act&ActID=12050
l 第2梯:https://portalx.yzu.edu.tw/PortalSocialVB/FPage/PageActivityDetail.aspx?Menu=Act&ActID=12051
2024世界地球日「多一塑不如少一塑」系列活動:響應小行動大減塑Voluntary Action for Significant Reduction in Plastic Usage