類別 Category | 中文詞彙 Chinese Vocabulary | 英文詞彙 English Vocabulary | 備註 Note |
環安衛 | 體格檢查 | Physical examination | |
環安衛 | 新進人員 | Newly-hired personnel | |
環安衛 | 勞工健康保護規則 | Labor Health and Safety Regulations" or"Worker Health Protection Rules | |
環安衛 | 毒性及關注化學物質 | Toxic and Concerning Chemical Substances | |
環安衛 | 實驗室廢棄物管理 | Laboratory Waste Management | |
環安衛 | 校園安全暨災害防救通報處理中心 | Campus Safety and Disaster Response Coordination Center | |
環安衛 | 緊急應變處理小組 | Emergency response team |