Student Participation in Off-Campus Academic Competitions Subsidy
To encourage students to participate in off-campus academic competitions and unleash their potential, enhancing their overall qualities, the university provides subsidies for related registration fees, transportation expenses, materials, and meal costs incurred during competition activities.
Application Period: Please refer to the schedule announced by the Student Affairs Office.
Application Procedure: Applicants should submit the application form, off-campus competition registration form, competition regulations, photocopies of competition works, or photos of the results, along with other supporting documents. After the initial review by the department and approval by the college, the application should be submitted to the Student Affairs Office before the specified application deadline.
For additional information and application forms related to other subsidies, please refer to the following link.
承辦人:生輔組 簡麗芬小姐/分機2240
Contact Person: Mrs. Jennifer Chen from Life Guidance Section, extension 2240.