【宿服組公告】10/10男一舍停電公告 Power Outage Notice for Male 1st Dorm
2023-09-20 |
【宿服組公告】女一舍交誼廳整修工程Female 1st Dorm Lounge Renovation
2023-09-18 |
【宿服組公告】洗烘衣機暫停使用公告Suspension of use of washing and drying machines
2023-09-18 |
【宿服組公告】112學年度學生宿舍人工登記候補...9/13核定遞補名單 Manual Registration Waiting List for Student Dormitories in the 112th Academic Year... Approved List on 9/13
2023-09-14 |
【宿服組公告】商家優惠活動School Cafeteria Promotion
2023-09-14 |
【宿服組公告】112學年度碩士班新生及轉學生床位分配暨進住注意事項 Notice and Bed Allocation for Master's Program and Transfer Students in the 112th Academic Year
2023-09-06 |
【宿服組公告】新生啟航暫住床位分配及注意事項 Orientation Temporary Accommodation Bed Allocation and Guidelines
2023-09-01 |
【宿服組公告】宿舍因應天候因素進住注意事項 Dormitory Check-in Precautions for Weather Conditions
2023-09-01 |
【宿服組公告】112學年度學生宿舍人工登記候補...大一新生核定遞補名單 Manual Registration Waiting List for Student Dormitories in the 112th Academic Year... Approved List for Freshman Residences.
2023-08-30 |
【宿服組公告】112學年度大一新生床位分配暨進住注意事項 Notice and Bed Allocation for Freshman Admissions in the 112th Academic Year
2023-08-25 |