【宿服組公告】113學年度學生宿舍自組室友作業規定 Roommate Selection Procedures of 113 (2024-2025) Academic Year





  1. 重要提醒
    1. 男女二舍之格局(衛浴、陽台及寢室大門...等)大致為兩房相對襯設計。
    2. 自組室友必須由2~4人組成,寢室一律由學校統一分配。
    3. 優先住宿申請下舖通過者,自組室友時男生請選填A床,女生請選填B床。
    4. 床位由學生初選,配合併組為一間之需求,學校保留少部份自組選項做適當調整之權利,譬如:選AB床者調整為CD床、選AC床者調整為BD床...等,學生不得異議。
    5. 系統自組前請相互討論床位選擇,選填床位若重複,自組將不成功。
    6. 完成自組室友作業後,請務必在系統開放期限內再登入portal相互確認成功與否。
    7. 未自組室友之同學由宿服組隨機分配,學生不得異議。
  2. 系統填報自組室友期間11361日至65
  3. 自組室友資格:於期限內完成繳交住宿申請切結書及住宿保證金者。
  4. 自組室友方式:登入 個人portal    住宿申請    自組室友   依指示完成作業。
  5. 公告床位分配結果時間6月21床位排定即產生住宿費,如欲放棄請記得填寫放棄床位切結書並繳交至宿服組辦公室,至7月10日截止收件,逾期不再受理
  6. 為提供更優質之居住環境,本校推動寧靜區域,如欲住宿寧靜區者,請逕自下載申請表,即日起填送宿舍服務組辦公室(男一舍1樓C區),與系統自組室友時間同步截止收件(6月5日)。



Roommate Selection Procedures of 113 (2024-2025) Academic Year

  1. Important Notice
    • Once completing the roommate selection procedures, students must check the status in the portal to ensure the grouping is complete.
    • There will be dormitory fee once the bed is arranged; if you wish to give up the bed please go Student Housing Service Section before June 5th so that it will not affect your right.
  2. Roommate Selection Date: June 1st - 5th, 2024
  3. Procedures: Login to yzu portal ➔ Accommodation Application ➔ Roommate Selection ➔ follow the instructions given.
  4. 2~4 students are needed for roommate selection. Students are allowed to choose their own bed-space, and Student Housing Service Section will allocate the room.
  5. For students those who do not choose their roommate, your roommate will be assigned randomly. (No objections allowed)
  6. Student’s bed-space will be announced on June 21th, 2024 by Student Housing Service Section.



   床位洽詢專線  03-4638800 分機2867