Yuan Ze University has opened two courses, “Introduction to Medicinal Chemistry and Pharmacology” and “Special Topics in the Drug Control-Release” taught by Professor Yi-Ming Sun of the department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, as well as Dr. Yang Ming-Dao of Far Eastern Memorial Hospital. These two courses created a new connection with the pharmaceutical industry. Some companies provided scholarships for the competition of term paper, and arranged lecturers to participate in the teaching, which increased students’ feelings of facing the industry.

同學們參觀工廠  「藥物化學與藥理概論」課程之特優獎頒獎合影:左起楊明道老師、李妍洲、王勻沚、張育蓁、劉宜旻等四位同學、孫一明老師,銀幕上為祥翊製藥公司吳永連董事長(左二)與程美玲處長(左一)
