教 務 處 公 告
主旨: 111學年度暑修第二期確定開課(含停開) 課程公告。
序號Number |
期別Phase |
開課單位Department |
課號Course Code |
班別Class |
課名Course Name |
學分Credits |
必選修別Course Type |
教師姓名Teacher’s Name |
專兼任Full-time /Part-time teacher |
授課方式 Learning methods (A.實體 In-person Class /B.同步遠距 Synchronous online learning /C.同步與非同步混合式遠距教學 Blending learning by synchronous and asynchronous)/上課教室Class |
授課語言(中文/英文) Course Language (Chinese/English) |
上課日期/ 起 Course Period/begin+P2:S3 |
上課日期/ 迄 Course Period/end |
每週上課星期/Course Days |
上課時間Course Hours |
1 |
第二期(II) |
化材系/department of chemical engineering & materials science |
CH129 |
A |
普通物理(二)/General Physics (Ⅱ) |
3 |
必修/Required course |
孫安正 |
專任Full-time teacher |
A.實體/ In-person Class |
中文/Chinese |
2023/7/28 |
2023/9/1 |
五/Fri. |
08:10-12:00、13:10-18:00 |
2 |
第二期(II) |
工管系(Department of Industrial Engineering and Management) |
IE110 |
A |
微積分(二) |
3 |
工管系必修/Required course |
熊甘霖 |
專任Full-time teacher |
A.實體/ In-person Class |
中文/Chinese |
2023/7/27 |
2023/9/1 |
四、五 / Thu, Fri |
四/Thu 10:10~12:00 & 1:10~4:00, 五/Fri 10:10~12:00 & 1:10~ 3:00 |
3 |
第二期(II) |
電機系(甲組)Electrical Engineering(Program A) |
EEA242 |
A |
電路學/ Electric Circuits |
3 |
電機系(甲組)必修/Required course |
林鴻文 |
專任Full-time teacher |
A.實體/ In-person Class |
中文/Chinese |
2023/7/24 |
2023/9/1 |
一、二、四 / Mon. Tue. Thu. |
9:10~12:00 |
4 |
第二期(II) |
電機系(甲組)Electrical Engineering(Program A) |
EEA123 |
A |
普通物理實驗(一) / General Physics Lab.(I) |
1 credit/ 54 hours |
電機系(甲組)必修/Required course |
專任Full-time teacher |
A.實體/ In-person Class |
英文/ English |
2023/7/24 |
2023/9/1 |
一、三、五 / Mon. Wed.Fri. |
13:10~16:00 |
5 |
第二期(II) |
電通學院 |
EN004 |
A |
基礎程式設計-Python/ |
2 |
必修 |
李建誠 |
專任Full-time teacher |
A.實體/ In-person Class |
中文/Chinese |
2023/7/24 |
2023/9/1 |
一、二、三 / Mon. Tue. Wed. |
9:10~11:00 |
6 |
第二期(II) |
電機系乙組 |
EEB126 |
A |
程式語言實驗(一)Programming Language Labs (I) |
1 |
必修/Required course |
李建誠 |
專任Full-time teacher |
A.實體/ In-person Class |
中文/Chinese |
2023/7/24 |
2023/9/1 |
一、二、三 / Mon. Tue. Wed. |
11:10~12:00 |
7 |
第二期(II) |
管理學院/College of Management |
CM103 |
F |
會計學(上)/ Accounting Principle(I) |
3 |
管院共同必修/Required course |
張謙恆 / Chang, Chien-heng |
專任Full-time teacher |
C.同步與非同步混合式遠距教學 Blending learning by synchronous and asynchronous |
中文/Chinese |
2023/7/25 |
2023/9/1 |
同步學習(含實體考試):每週二 / Synchronized learning (including in-class exams):Tuesdays |
13:10~16:00 |
8 |
第二期(II) |
管理學院/College of Management |
CM104 |
F |
會計學(下)/ Accounting Principle(II) |
3 |
管院共同必修/Required course |
張謙恆 / Chang, Chien-heng |
專任Full-time teacher |
C.同步與非同步混合式遠距教學 Blending learning by synchronous and asynchronous |
中文/Chinese |
2023/7/26 |
2023/9/1 |
同步學習(含實體考試):每週三 / Synchronized learning (including in-class exams):Wednesdays |
13:10~16:00 |
9 |
第二期(II) |
電機碩(甲組)Electrical Engineering(Master Program A) |
EEA808 |
A |
專業實習(三)/Field Study(Ⅲ) |
3 |
電機碩(甲組)選修/Elective course |
李宇軒(Yu-Hsuan Lee) |
2023/7/24 |
2023/9/1 |
10 |
第二期(II) |
電機碩(甲組)Electrical Engineering(Master Program A) |
EEA809 |
A |
專業實習(四)/Field Study(Ⅳ) |
3 |
電機碩(甲組)選修/Elective course |
李宇軒(Yu-Hsuan Lee) |
2023/7/24 |
2023/9/1 |
11 |
第二期(II) |
國際語言文化中心/ILCC |
EL360 |
A |
英語檢定/English Testing |
1 |
共同必修/Required course |
張若妍 |
兼任 |
A.實體/ In-person Class |
中文/Chinese |
2023/7/27 |
2023/8/31 |
四/ Thu. |
9:10~12:00 |
停開courses cancellation |
第二期(II) |
管理學院/College of Management |
CM106 |
C |
經濟學(下)/ Economics(II) |
3 |
管院共同必修/Required course |
吳菊華/Chu-Hua Wu |
專任Full-time teacher |
C.同步與非同步混合式遠距教學 Blending learning by synchronous and asynchronous |
中文/Chinese |
2023/7/27 |
2023/9/1 |
同步學習(含實體考試):每週四 / Synchronized learning (including in-class exams):Thursdays |
13:10~16:00 |
Office of Academic Affairs
Announcement Date: 2023/07/17
Subject: Announcement of 2022 Summer Course Term 2
- 2022 Summer Course Term 1 Opening Courses are listed as table 1. Course fee is non-refundable for students who wish to drop of the opening course since July 19th.
- The students who reach the refund requirement, school will refund the course fee in September.
- Once there is any time conflict with inter-collegiate summer course taking, the summer course final score will be marked as “0”.
- The courses of EN004 Fundamental Computer Programming- Python and EEB126 Programming Language Labs (I), are the paired courses, which needs to be taken at the same time.
Table 1: 2022 Summer Course Term 2 Opening & Cancellation Course
序號Number |
期別Phase |
開課單位Department |
課號Course Code |
班別Class |
課名Course Name |
學分Credits |
必選修別Course Type |
教師姓名Teacher’s Name |
專兼任Full-time /Part-time teacher |
授課方式 Learning methods (A.實體 In-person Class /B.同步遠距 Synchronous online learning /C.同步與非同步混合式遠距教學 Blending learning by synchronous and asynchronous)/上課教室Class |
授課語言(中文/英文) Course Language (Chinese/English) |
上課日期/ 起 Course Period/begin+P2:S3 |
上課日期/ 迄 Course Period/end |
每週上課星期/Course Days |
上課時間Course Hours |
1 |
第二期(II) |
化材系/department of chemical engineering & materials science |
CH129 |
A |
普通物理(二)/General Physics (Ⅱ) |
3 |
必修/Required course |
孫安正 |
專任Full-time teacher |
A.實體/ In-person Class |
中文/Chinese |
2023/7/28 |
2023/9/1 |
五/Fri. |
08:10-12:00、13:10-18:00 |
2 |
第二期(II) |
工管系(Department of Industrial Engineering and Management) |
IE110 |
A |
微積分(二) |
3 |
工管系必修/Required course |
熊甘霖 |
專任Full-time teacher |
A.實體/ In-person Class |
中文/Chinese |
2023/7/27 |
2023/9/1 |
四、五 / Thu, Fri |
四/Thu 10:10~12:00 & 1:10~4:00, 五/Fri 10:10~12:00 & 1:10~ 3:00 |
3 |
第二期(II) |
電機系(甲組)Electrical Engineering(Program A) |
EEA242 |
A |
電路學/ Electric Circuits |
3 |
電機系(甲組)必修/Required course |
林鴻文 |
專任Full-time teacher |
A.實體/ In-person Class |
中文/Chinese |
2023/7/24 |
2023/9/1 |
一、二、四 / Mon. Tue. Thu. |
9:10~12:00 |
4 |
第二期(II) |
電機系(甲組)Electrical Engineering(Program A) |
EEA123 |
A |
普通物理實驗(一) / General Physics Lab.(I) |
1 credit/ 54 hours |
電機系(甲組)必修/Required course |
專任Full-time teacher |
A.實體/ In-person Class |
英文/ English |
2023/7/24 |
2023/9/1 |
一、三、五 / Mon. Wed.Fri. |
13:10~16:00 |
5 |
第二期(II) |
電通學院 |
EN004 |
A |
基礎程式設計-Python/ |
2 |
必修 |
李建誠 |
專任Full-time teacher |
A.實體/ In-person Class |
中文/Chinese |
2023/7/24 |
2023/9/1 |
一、二、三 / Mon. Tue. Wed. |
9:10~11:00 |
6 |
第二期(II) |
電機系乙組 |
EEB126 |
A |
程式語言實驗(一)Programming Language Labs (I) |
1 |
必修/Required course |
李建誠 |
專任Full-time teacher |
A.實體/ In-person Class |
中文/Chinese |
2023/7/24 |
2023/9/1 |
一、二、三 / Mon. Tue. Wed. |
11:10~12:00 |
7 |
第二期(II) |
管理學院/College of Management |
CM103 |
F |
會計學(上)/ Accounting Principle(I) |
3 |
管院共同必修/Required course |
張謙恆 / Chang, Chien-heng |
專任Full-time teacher |
C.同步與非同步混合式遠距教學 Blending learning by synchronous and asynchronous |
中文/Chinese |
2023/7/25 |
2023/9/1 |
同步學習(含實體考試):每週二 / Synchronized learning (including in-class exams):Tuesdays |
13:10~16:00 |
8 |
第二期(II) |
管理學院/College of Management |
CM104 |
F |
會計學(下)/ Accounting Principle(II) |
3 |
管院共同必修/Required course |
張謙恆 / Chang, Chien-heng |
專任Full-time teacher |
C.同步與非同步混合式遠距教學 Blending learning by synchronous and asynchronous |
中文/Chinese |
2023/7/26 |
2023/9/1 |
同步學習(含實體考試):每週三 / Synchronized learning (including in-class exams):Wednesdays |
13:10~16:00 |
9 |
第二期(II) |
電機碩(甲組)Electrical Engineering(Master Program A) |
EEA808 |
A |
專業實習(三)/Field Study(Ⅲ) |
3 |
電機碩(甲組)選修/Elective course |
李宇軒(Yu-Hsuan Lee) |
2023/7/24 |
2023/9/1 |
10 |
第二期(II) |
電機碩(甲組)Electrical Engineering(Master Program A) |
EEA809 |
A |
專業實習(四)/Field Study(Ⅳ) |
3 |
電機碩(甲組)選修/Elective course |
李宇軒(Yu-Hsuan Lee) |
2023/7/24 |
2023/9/1 |
11 |
第二期(II) |
國際語言文化中心/ILCC |
EL360 |
A |
英語檢定/English Testing |
1 |
共同必修/Required course |
張若妍 |
兼任 |
A.實體/ In-person Class |
中文/Chinese |
2023/7/27 |
2023/8/31 |
四/ Thu. |
9:10~12:00 |
停開courses cancellation |
第二期(II) |
管理學院/College of Management |
CM106 |
C |
經濟學(下)/ Economics(II) |
3 |
管院共同必修/Required course |
吳菊華/Chu-Hua Wu |
專任Full-time teacher |
C.同步與非同步混合式遠距教學 Blending learning by synchronous and asynchronous |
中文/Chinese |
2023/7/27 |
2023/9/1 |
同步學習(含實體考試):每週四 / Synchronized learning (including in-class exams):Thursdays |
13:10~16:00 |
Office of Academic Affairs, Curriculum Section