【生輔組公告】轉知-教育部補助學生出國參加國際性學術技能競賽經費申請~於113年05月17日截止 { Life Guidance Section Announcement} Notice - Application for the Ministry of Education's Subsidy for Students to Participate in International Academic Skills Competitions Abroad ~ Deadline on May 17,
【衛保組公告】訊息轉知 : 113年度性教育及性健康之新進人員與2級預防研習 Training workshop for new staff in sexual education and sexual health for the 113th year, focusing on level 2 prevention."
【衛保組公告】04/24(三)~04/25(四)10:30~17:00捐血有你!愛不止息! 04/24 (Wed)~04/25 (Thu) 10:30 AM - 5:00 PM Donate a Bag of Blood, Share the Love of Life
【衛保組公告】轉知「餐飲衛生管理分級評核制度」,敬請多加選擇通過評之優良餐飲業者的餐廳。 "Restaurant Hygiene Management Grading and Assessment System"。
【衛保組公告】莫德納XBB. 1.5疫苗免費接種活動Moderna XBB.1.5 Vaccination
【衛保組公告】皮革紓壓DIY~透過皮革手做體驗藝術之美113.05.17(五)Leather Stress Relief DIY
【課外組公告】轉知「新北市113年度青年志工記者出任務暨青銀共學活動」歡迎有興趣同學報名參加 "New Taipei City 113th Youth Volunteer Journalist Mission and Youth-Silver Learning Activity". Interested students are welcome to sign up and participate.
【課外組公告】轉知勤益科技大學「2024全國大專校院生創意簡報競賽:按耐不『住』」競賽資訊,歡迎同學報名參加 Forwarding the announcement: "2024 National College Student Creative Presentation Competition: Hold On, Can't 'Stop'". Students are welcome to sign up and participate.
【課外組公告】轉知「2024 NTUST X Project Let's go! Summer Program」活動訊息,歡迎同學報名參加 Forwarding the notice: "2024 NTUST X Project Let's go! Summer Program" activity information. Students are welcome to sign up and participate.