【原資中心公告】原住民族委員會辦理「2024 Taiwan PASIWALI音樂創作培訓營」
【課外組公告】轉知海洋委員會海洋保育署「2024海洋探索之旅」競賽報名資訊,歡迎有興趣同學報名參加"2024 Ocean Exploration Journey" competition registration information is now available. Interested students are welcome to sign up and participate.
【課外組公告】轉知財團法人資訊工業策進會辦理「AIGO潛力新星盃」活動,歡迎有興趣同學報名參加Forwarding the message regarding the "AIGO Potential New Star Cup" event organized by the Institute for Information Industry. Interested students are welcome to sign up for participation.
【生輔組】農業部獎勵農漁民子女就學要點公告Announcement on the Guidelines for Agricultural Department's Incentives for the Education of Children of Farmers and Fishermen
【衛保組公告】皮革紓壓DIY~透過皮革手做體驗藝術之美Leather Stress Relief DIY
【衛保組公告】招募-5/2(四) 17:00-20:00香鬆海苔捲DIY活動工作人員,提供服務活動時數3小時 "Recruitment for Staff - May 2nd (Thursday) 17:00-20:00"
【衛保組公告】國民健康署戒菸專線服務中心– 113 年度學生 Instagram 短影音競賽活動113th Annual Student Instagram Short Video Competition
【諮就組公告】轉知校外活動「2024 溫度日記App《沒有想像的那麼糟》線上徵文活動」