【課外組公告】轉發元智大學登山社活動訊息,歡迎有興趣的同學一同參與永續無痕山林行動! 【Extracurricular Group Announcement】 Forwarding the information about the hiking club activity from Yuan Ze University. Welcome interested students to participate together!
2024-03-21 |
【生輔組公告】澎湖縣政府縣112學年度第2學期清寒優秀學生獎學金"Penghu County Government 112th Academic Year Second Semester Scholarship for Outstanding Economically Disadvantaged Students"
2024-03-15 |
【衛保組公告】訊息轉知:衛生福利部國民健康署113年度「周產期高風險孕產婦(兒)追蹤關懷計畫」High-Risk Maternal and Child Tracking and Care Program during the Perinatal Period
2024-03-15 |
【衛保組公告】訊息轉知:東南亞國家登革熱疫情持續且國內仍有通報案例, 為防範登革熱疫情,敬請各單位仍要執行相關防蚊措施The dengue fever epidemic continues in Southeast Asian countries, and there are still reported cases domestically
2024-03-15 |
【衛保組公告】訊息轉知:中華緊急救護技術員協會113年度初級救護技術員教育訓練課程相關優惠資訊 Information on Discounts for the 113th Year Basic Emergency Medical Technician Education and Training Course by the Chinese Emergency Medical Technician Association.
2024-03-14 |
【衛保組公告】學校餐廳即日起將暫停供售含有辣椒粉、咖哩粉調味品的相關產品至4/7。Starting today, the sale of products containing chili powder and curry powder as seasoning will be suspended until April 7th.
2024-03-14 |
【課外組公告】轉知元大證券「113年度校園深耕計畫」申請辦法,歡迎有興趣同學踴躍報名 The application guidelines for Yuanta Securities' "Campus Cultivation Program for the Year 113" are hereby circulated. Interested students are encouraged to apply actively.
2024-03-13 |
【諮就組公告】轉知青少年發展暨家庭教育中心113年度家庭教育諮詢專線志工培訓資訊Family education consultation line volunteer training
2024-03-13 |
【生輔組公告】財團法人陳忠陳葉蕊文教基金會113年度清寒學生獎學金The Chen Zhong and Chen Yeh Rui Educational Foundation's 113th Annual Scholarship for Economically Disadvantaged Students.
2024-03-13 |
【生輔組公告】社團法人中華佛教善緣慈善會高中職專、大、碩【誌善】清寒學生進步獎學金The Chinese Buddhist Karma Charitable Association's High School, Vocational School, College, and Graduate School "Zhi Shan" Progress Scholarship for Economically Disadvantaged Students.
2024-03-13 |