一、寒假住宿申請 / Application date for winter vacation accommodation: 2017/12/22~12/29
二、寒假住宿期間 / Accommodation Period: 2018/1/15~2/25
Any foreign students who wish to stay in this period must complete the following procedures (See below),
or else neither internet nor access card will be provided.
三、春節休館期間 / Dorm closing on Chinese New Year: 2018/2/14~2/21
Foreign students who wish to stay in the dorm must apply at Student Housing Service Section.
四、寒宿住宿申請流程 / Application procedures for Winter Vacation accommodation:
The school military office is open during the period. If you have an emergency or feel sick, please call 03-4553698.
The dorm only provides hot water from the electric heater. Males should take a show in Section B of Male Dorm 1;
Females should head to the shower room nearby room No. 13 of each floor.
Please enquire from the Student Housing Service Section if you have any questions (1st floor of Male Dorm 1).