「元智大學教職員工留職停薪辦法」條文修正案,業經113年6月26日 112學年度第21次行政會議通過,謹此公告實施。
人事室 敬啟
The amendment to “YZU Regulations for Faculty And Staffs Position Retained Without Pay” was approved. Revised version please refer to the attachments.
Personnel Office
「元智大學教職員工留職停薪辦法」條文修正案,業經113年6月26日 112學年度第21次行政會議通過,謹此公告實施。
人事室 敬啟
The amendment to “YZU Regulations for Faculty And Staffs Position Retained Without Pay” was approved. Revised version please refer to the attachments.
Personnel Office